Purchasing a new energy-efficient air conditioning system can be a difficult procedure. Fundamentally, the ideal air conditioning system is one that properly handles your home’s heat load at the lowest possible cost. However, a bad installation might cost you more in the long term, so don’t put your home’s high voltage electrical and gas-burning equipment in the hands of just anybody. Your family definitely can’t afford a man with a truck off the street when it comes to the safety and quality of their labour. You can expect a professional’s work to be done correctly the first time.

If you’re still not persuaded, consider the following reasons why only professionals should handle your AC installation.

1. Expertise

Even if you’ve purchased the best air conditioner on the market, it won’t work properly unless it’s installed correctly. Only a professional HVAC contractor has the experience and know-how to ensure your AC unit is properly sized and installed.

2. Safety

Air conditioner installation is a risky job that can lead to serious injury if not done properly. High voltage electrical equipment and gas-burning furnaces are involved, so it’s important that only a trained professional with the proper knowledge and safety gear performs the work.

3. Quality Assurance

A proper AC installation includes testing and adjusting the system to meet the manufacturer’s specifications. This ensures peak performance and efficiency from your new system. It also helps to prevent future repairs. Many AC manufacturers require proof of a quality installation before they honour their warranty, so be sure to save your receipts and any documentation from your HVAC contractor.

4. Efficiency

A new air conditioner is a large investment, so you want to be sure it’s installed correctly to get the most bang for your buck. A professional HVAC contractor will take the time to properly size and install your AC unit to ensure it runs at peak efficiency. This can save you money on your energy bills each month and help your AC unit last longer.

5. Peace of Mind

When you hire a professional HVAC contractor to install your air conditioner, you can rest assured knowing the job will be done right. This gives you peace of mind and allows you to enjoy the cool comfort of your new AC unit without worry.

The Risks of Improper Installation

While it might be tempting to save a few bucks by having a friend or neighbour install your new air conditioner, it’s not worth the risk. Improper installation can lead to several problems, including:

  1. Fire hazards
  2. Carbon monoxide poisoning
  3. Electrocution
  4. Gas leaks
  5. Efficiency issues
  6. Compressor failure
  7. Refrigerant leaks
  8. Drainage problems

All of these problems can be expensive to fix and dangerous to your family, so it’s best to leave the job to a professional.


Installing a new air conditioner is a big job that should only be trusted to a professional HVAC contractor. They have the experience and know-how to properly size and install your AC unit to ensure it runs at peak efficiency. This can save you money on your energy bills each month and help your AC unit last longer.

Are you looking for an air conditioning service in Lethbridge? 4 Seasons Home Comfort, located at 3620 9 Ave North, has been in the HVAC, Air Conditioning, and Heating business supporting Southern Alberta for 40 years! Contact us today for all your HVAC needs at (403) 320 – 9884.